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Article: Is tap water healthy?

Is tap water healthy?

Is tap water healthy?

In principle, you can drink tap water in Germany without any problems . Because it is the most strictly controlled food due to the drinking water regulations. According to a current report from the Federal Environment Agency and the Ministry of Health, drinking water in Germany is of good to very good quality. 99-100% of the tests correspond to the legal standards for most of the tested parameters and do not exceed any limit values. [1] 
Approximately 70% of our drinking water
comes from groundwater and spring water . The remaining 30% comes from rivers, dams and bank filtrates. This water is analyzed and treated in waterworks so that it complies with the German Drinking Water Ordinance. Only then does it reach the end user via pipe systems. However, there are always problems with our drinking water – more on this below .

Does our tap water contain minerals and is it therefore healthy? This question is not that easy to answer. Which and how many minerals the drinking water contains depends entirely on where the water comes from. And just because tap water contains minerals does n't automatically mean it's healthy!

But tap water is definitely one of the most important thirst quenchers and helps us meet our daily fluid needs . Depending on their origin, it also supplies us with various minerals in different concentrations.

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